Notorious BOZ is a long-form improv show that celebrates the city of Bozeman, its history and its incredible citizens. Every show will feature a guest "Armando" or monologist who will share stories from their life. The cast will then use those stories as inspiration to create characters and scenes and bring it all together in a completely hilarious and improvised show.
This week's Armando is Padden Murphy! Padden was born and raised in Great Falls, the middle of five siblings and son to two great Montanans. He is Managing Partner of Foundry Ten, a strategic advisory firm to founders and CEOs, and serves as a Senior Fellow at the National League of Cities, is on the board of Montana Ambassadors, serves on the board of Headwaters Community Housing Trust, and is the Founder of Montana Festival. Padden previously held senior roles at WeWork, REEF, Lyft, Getaround, co-hosted The Mayors podcast with Richard Florida, and served on the board of Bunker Labs. Padden lives in Bozeman with his wife, Lumay, and young children Wilde and Maven. Padden used to be a good skier and is now decent and he used to be a decent improv comedian and is now not funny.
To start the night we have opening team, Fawn Stars!
Tickets are $15 / No Drink Minimum